College & Career Readiness Software

Connect with Xello at CareerTech VISION 2023

A proud partner of the ACTE, Xello empowers educators to deliver high quality CTE programs so that students are better positioned for career success.

Ways to Connect

The ACTE's CareerTech VISION is the must-attend event of the year for career and technical education (CTE) professionals. It takes place November 29 to December 2 at the Phoenix Convention Center in Phoenix, Arizona. Here are some ways to connect with Xello and get the most out of your conference experience.

Attend Xello's Product Showcase

On November 30 at 3:00 PM attend our product showcase and hear from Strategic Education Sales Consultant, Shauna Mann, about how to Attract, Engage, and Empower Students to Pursue CTE Pathways using Xello.

Meet the Xello Team

And from November 30 to December 1, during exhibition hours, stop by booth 214 to meet up and chat with Xello's very own Director of Sales, Meghan Foster, Director of Strategic Territory Management, Chris Olford, and Shauna Mann.

Attending this year? We'd love to meet up.

Product Showcase Details

Strategies for Turning CTE-Curious Students into CTE Concentrators

Recruiting and keeping students engaged in CTE programming is hard. According to the U.S. Department of Education, of the 77% students who participate in CTE programming less than half go on to concentrate in a specific area of study. But there's a clear path to improving CTE-curious student outcomes. Offer students opportunities to explore their interests, aptitudes, and skills and use this knowledge as a guide towards best-fit areas of concentration.

Join Xello as we discuss strategies for turning CTE-curious students into CTE concentrators. You’ll hear how Xello inspires students to pursue CTE pathways, while supporting districts' abilities to easily track progress.
Meghan Foster circular transparent
Meghan Foster
   Director of Sales, Xello   
Chris Olford circular transparent
Chris Olford
Director of Strategic Territory Management, Xello
Shauna Mann circular transparent
Shauna Mann
Strategic Education Sales Consultant, Xello
Online Learning

Publication Briefs

Featured Resource

Parent and Educator Guide

Online Learning


Xello is pleased to support ACTE and CTE practitioners through the production of the following webinars.

West-MEC’s Partnership with Palo Verde Generating Station
West-MEC’s Partnership with Palo Verde Generating Station
This webinar is about designing and setting up a successful CTE focused partnership with a local business. Watch now to hear how West-MEC and Palo Verde Generating Station collaborated to implement a high-quality, innovative training program at West-MEC.

    Jan Jardine

    WBL Coordinator and CAPS Director for Provo City SD, Utah

    Rick Timmons

    Environment Sustainability Instructor, West-MEC and part-time adjunct professor, Estrella Mountain CC

Equity in Student Career Development Through Technology
Equity in Student Career Development Through Technology
This webinar will focus on the topic of online and virtual student career development tools and explores effective use of these technologies to support each student’s career goals and aspirations.

    Margaret Leah Corey

    LICSW, Program Manager, Saint Paul Public Schools, St. Paul, MN

    Teresa Gibbons

    ACTE Counseling & Career Development Education Division Vice President

Connecting Social Emotional Learning (SEL) to Career Success
Connecting Social Emotional Learning (SEL) to Career Success
This webinar, based on ACTE’s “Connecting Social Emotional Learning (SEL) to Career Success” publication highlights the program's integrated SEL strategies, and how students benefit from these practices.

    Nancy Mulvey

    Director of Student Services, Great Oaks Career Campuses

    Staci McMinn

    Instructor Health Careers, Taft Union High School District

Career Exploration & Assessment for Middle and Early High School Students
Career Exploration & Assessment for Middle and Early High School Students
The webinar dives deeper into the four steps to help make career planning exciting to your students and revolve around their interests.

    Art Janowiak III

    Vice President of Sales and Marketing, The Conover Company

Unifying Your District: Collaborating to Support Student Career Development
Unifying Your District: Collaborating to Support Student Career Development
Successful student pathways are developed when educators, counselors, CTE coordinators, CTE industry experts and parents are aligned to facilitate informed decisions about students’ futures. This webinar discusses how to align your school district to support student career development.

    Tony Warren

    Education Consultant for Counseling, Career Development, and CTE, Calhoun ISD

    Katie Siewert

    Assistant Director, Career and Technical Education at Vancouver Public Schools

Delivering Real-World Experiences Webinar
Delivering Real-World Experiences Webinar
In today’s fast paced society, it is imperative students are provided successful work-based learning opportunities. Join this webinar to learn about the nuts and bolts of successful WBL opportunities.

    Jeffrey Delong

    College and Career Readiness, Work-Based Learning Coordinator, Fresno USD

    Tanya Alcaraz

    PSD Career and Technical Education Coordinator, Poudre SD

Attending this year? We'd love to meet up.